Jennifer Starr MCC, CMC

Professional Coach
Coach Mentor


 Advanced Psych-K™

Advanced Psych-K™ Techniques

PSYCH-K™ Is PSYCH-K™ for You?  |  Belief Statements  |  Brain Dominance

Create Change Remotely

Surrogation Balance
Is someone dear to you suffering from an illness or condition and can’t travel? Or, would a friend or relative benefit greatly from PSYCH-K but is limited by their schedule or distance?

By using Surrogation, PSYCH-K can be done remotely by using a substitute person for muscle testing and balancing in the absence of the person for whom the change work is being done! “Change at a distance.”

Phone Sessions
We can do PSYCH-K over the phone using self muscle testing!

Relationship Change

Relationship Balance
This technique is powerful “medicine” to heal and release life long personal issues with others and better understand the lessons to be learned in the relationship. If you desire to fortify and strengthen a relationship, this balance is a must. Many people report this experience as profound as exchanging wedding vows. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents, children, spouses, friends and lovers. This balance can be done using Surrogation– see above.

Ultimate Power Change

Belief Points Balance with Energy Focusing
This balance uses 12 energy points on the body that are derived from ancient acupressure. Each point represents key beliefs that give you valuable information about how you are limiting yourself in a given situation. This technique is especially effective where there is great resistance to change or if many related beliefs need to be balanced more efficiently.

Energy Focusing
A process that allows you to “focus energy” to a point on the body in order to change the energy at a belief point or to correct energy imbalances in yourself.


$90 per 45 minute session
$160 for 90 minute session

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